This is when you crave just a little cool weather with just a hint of fall in the air. Maybe near the end of the month we can wake up to some 50 degree mornings.
A weed is any plant in the wrong place. In fact, most of the present day perennials were at one time, weeds. Sneezeweed, Butterfly weed, Rudbeckia, Golden rods to name a few. These are the "good" weeds we cultivate but broadleaf plants in your lawn are "bad" weeds. Apply a broadleaf weed killer (Weed - B- Gon) and pre-emergent to your lawn. The pre-emergent kills seeds of weeds before they germinate. Caution: If you are planning to overseed your fescue lawn this fall do not use a pre-emergent at this time. The Poa Annua that is so prevalent in early spring must be controlled now with the appropriate amount of pre-emergent weed killer applied to your lawns. Check the bag carefully for the proper rate to spread.
Neaten your tired perennials by cutting off dead looking foliage. Plant some mums for early fall color. Enjoy the glorious blooms on your lantana, vinca, and other hardy little annuals.
Old timers always say to plant turnips seed on August 12th to have lots of turnips. If you missed this date you still have lots of greens if seed is planted this month. A mixture of purple top, seven top, kale, mustard, rape and radish seed make a very good combination for "turnip salad". Make a spinach patch from seed. Transplant of cabbage, collards, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are ready for planting. Watch out for little yellow butterflies near your plants as they will be laying eggs that make those little green worms. Spray with BT spray or dust with Dipel to kill the worm.
Fall is for planting! Now is prime time to overseed fescue lawns, plant trees, and shrubs. Check out all of the different types of the turf-type fescue seed that are alternatives to plain old Kentucky 31. The turf types have a finer blade, are greener, and more drought tolerant. Of course, they cost more but we think they're worth it.
Bulbs are miracle plants. Who could guess that such beautiful flowers would come from such an ugly bulb? It's too early to plant bulbs because the ground is too warm. If planted now you could have tulips for Thanksgiving. Make your selections now while the choices and stock are good then store them in a cool, dark place (not your refrigerator). Mark your calendar to plant anytime between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The familiar song "tis the last rose of summer" is appropriate as roses seem to get a second wind almost now. Feed, deadhead, and check for insects to enjoy the last show for the season.